Rare books as unusual Christmas gifts.

Christmas gifts – how about a book? We all like a good read. Although the Kindle continues to gain popularity, especially as an alternative to holiday suitcases brimming with books, there’s still nothing quite like the tactile indulgence of a real book. To be able to view the cover, take time over admiring its size and … Read more

Alice In Wonderland – The Charm And Value of Early Publications

We were recently asked for advice from a Canadian customer about his early edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Whilst responding, it got us thinking a blog would be useful on this complex subject – the various early and first editions of these most famous of children’s books. After all, given that Alice in Wonderland … Read more

What gift do you give the person who has everything?

It seems the later you get on in life, the harder it is to find something special or different as a gift for a loved one or friend. So often when asked, they say “really, don’t bother; I have everything I need”, even if they know it’s not entirely true! Well, Rare and Antique Books … Read more

A. A. Milne – A literary success

“Pay attention to where you are going because without meaning you might get nowhere.”  said A. A. Milne. Allen Alexander Milne was to create happiness for many adults and children with his verses and tales of Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh, yet he gained little pleasure from the success of the books. The British-born “A.A. … Read more

 A Whizz through Arthur Rackham and his use of the Silhouette in Cinderella

 “Rackham gave his talk on Silhouettes to the Art Workers’ Guild in November 1919, the month in which Cinderella, the first of his two great silhouette books, was published. Cinderella and The Sleeping Beauty differed from Rackham’s preceding books in relying almost wholly on silhouette for their effect. It is immediately clear from the collection … Read more

Passing on Treasured Books – it’s a mixed feeling!

With much excitement (and a touch of sadness which I’ll explain later) we recently sold a rare, first edition set of The Chronicles of Narnia books and it started me thinking about the rather wonderful act of handing on antique treasured items of one’s childhood. Recent high value sales of the Narnia series were significant … Read more

Florence Upton-The Original Golliwogg Illustrator.

Rare and Antique Books feature many iconic illustrated children’s books and one of the most influential of the characters is the Golliwogg created by Florence Upton. Clearly the character is now culturally controversial, yet in it’s time the golliwog was initially created as an innocent and playful character which inspired the creation of a popular children’s … Read more

First edition childrens books – a novel trend in birthday presents?

First edition children’s books as a present? Struggling for ideas for a special birthday present for your loved one? For a while Red Letter Days had the answer but is there an emerging trend for first edition rare books to be that unusual gift? Not any old book but predominantly First edition children’s books with … Read more

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We are away until 14th February. Purchases can still be made but please be aware that we cannot despatch until our return. We apologise for the inconvenience.