Alice in Wonderland First Editions

Our collection of First Edition Alice in Wonderland books includes popular titles such as ‘Through The Looking Glass’ and ‘Adventures in Wonderland’. Browse through our current stock of books and if you have any questions or would like to make an offer, please contact us.

Most of our First Edition books by Lewis Carroll are in great condition and in most cases, have a unique story to tell of their own. You may find examples which have been signed or hold a mysterious inscription, which makes every book of its kind completely irreplaceable.

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Rare and Antique Books are away from 4th – 14th February. Orders can still be placed and will be processed and sent after the 14th. We apologise for any inconvenience. 

We are away until 14th February. Purchases can still be made but please be aware that we cannot despatch until our return. We apologise for the inconvenience.